Jesus: Fully Human, Fully Understanding
Jesus is fully divine yet he chose to live fully human
- Jesus did not skip the hard parts of being human. He embraced them
- Jesus is divine enough to save us—and human enough to understand us.
God’s Original Designs
We Were Meant for Togetherness9i
- What’s “not good” in Eden is human _______________ fill in the blank (ISOLATION)
- We were not just made for survival—we were made for shared experience.
- Companionship, Connection & Presence are not optional to humans flourishing—they are essential.
- We are wired for RELATIONSHIP—not just with God, but with one another.
Jesus Needed Support —The Burden of Loneliness
- When Jesus says, “My soul is overwhelmed,” Jesus speaks not only with divine authority but with the raw honesty of human pain.
The Pain of Loneliness and the Power of Presence
- Jesus’ disciples didn’t betray Him in the garden when they fell asleep—they just failed to be present. Sometimes the deepest pain isn’t active rejection; it’s passive neglect.