I Need a Bath!
March 26, 2023

I Need a Bath!

Passage: Matthew 9:9-13, Hosea 6:4-6
Service Type:

Sermon Notes
In the Roman world, to entice men to betray their countrymen, officials promised bonuses to “Tax Collectors”, allowing them to collect additional fees from the citizens above their already extravagant salary.
Matthew was Extorting M_________ from people. (money)
The people, the Pharisees, Matthew himself, & Jesus all acknowledge Matthew is a ____________(Matthew was dirty) (sinner)
Only Jesus extends ______________ (love) to Matthew, by inviting Matthew to follow Him. (mercy)
Matthew immediately responds to Jesus’ invitation by

L_______________ his life of sin (leaving)
C__________________ with Jesus (celebrating)
E_________________ M________ to others like himself by I________________ them to Jesus (extending, mercy, introducing)

The Pharisees were E______________ Mercy (love) from people (extorting)
God’s mercy (love) is always given to those who return to God and acknowledge their sins to Jesus.
It is impossible to save a person who claims not to need saving.

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