I am a “FOR” not an “AGAINST” person
Paul was convinced to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth, as well as His followers. Why?
Jesus wasn’t what Paul was looking “FOR”, so Paul was “AGAINST” Jesus.
Like Many of us today,
Paul was now defined by what he opposed or what he was “AGAINST”
Paul had lost sight of what He was “FOR” which led to a life driven by opposition, and what he was “AGAINST”
Being “AGAINST” something or being opposed to something can motivate causes… but it won’t advance the gospel of Jesus Christ
Difference in Motivation:
Aggressive obsession vs. passionate pursuit.
Paul’s conversion (his change of heart from encountering the resurrected Jesus) marked a shift from angry opposition to holy passion.
Are you a “FOR” person or an “AGAINST” person?
Immediate answer to “What are you for?” is a litmus test.