
Sermon Notes On the Road to Emmaus “Remain in Me” Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the…
Sermon Notes The women came to the tomb to… Prepare Jesus’ body for a proper Jewish burial “Pay their last respects” Reflect and R____________________(remember) A simple question: Jesus is always…

Easter Cantata

April 8, 2023

Sermon Notes Someone T_________ people about Jesus before he arrived. (told) The people who heard about Jesus responded by: A________________ their plans (adjusting) They went out to meet Jesus They…
Sermon Notes In the Roman world, to entice men to betray their countrymen, officials promised bonuses to “Tax Collectors”, allowing them to collect additional fees from the citizens above their…
Sermon Notes Residue:  a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone, or been taken, or used.      Cleaning: removes dirt, dust & other soils from surfaces…
Sermon Notes God’s P_______________ is visibly leading them day & night (presence) Their initial F_______ caused them to P_________ (fear, pray) U______________ FEAR can change prayers into G______________ (untamed, grumbling) Uncontrolled…
Sermon Notes The Golden Circle   “… Leaders hold a position of power or authority, but those who lead inspire us. Whether they’re individuals or organizations, we follow those who lead,…

Sanctuary Organ Dedication

February 26, 2023

I am THE Lord

February 26, 2023
Sermon Notes יְהוָה֙       the Lord           Yahweh    Used 6519 times in the Bible אֱלֹהֵ֣י    God of Israel      Elohim     Used 2599 times in the Bible Who is the Lord, that I should obey him ……
Sermon Notes God Speaks, I Listen, then I Obey God’s Word Who am I? LORD = YAWEH = “I AM who I AM” A Few Moses’s Many fears (do any…
Sermon Notes "Wisdom is the ability to see life from God's point of view." Adrian Rogers Wisdom is God’s _______________________ in the many practical affairs of life. (Character) ____________ God’s Word leads…

House of Bread

February 5, 2023
Sermon Notes The word “Bethlehem” can be translated as “House of B_________” (bread) Sometimes God leads us to difficult C_____________________ to reveal what is truly in our hearts. (circumstances) O________________…
Sermon Notes The Bible contains God’s B_________ and P_____ for our lives. “Attention to detail is not about perfection. It's about excellence, about constant improvement.” ― Chris Denny Stop Making…

Good Bones

January 8, 2023