
Prayer is the lifeblood of movements If we are going to see movements in our life, church, community, nation, or world, we will need go see a new ongoing commitment…
My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end, nor do I really…

DEVOTED:     Definition: to give over or direct (time, money, effort, etc.) to a cause, or activity What were the new Christians “DEVOTED” to… to the apostles’ teaching Taking the Scriptures…

5 Ways to Adjust Your Sails to the Wind of the Holy Spirit Get in the Boat: Gather together with a PURPOSE Raise the Sail: Saturate yourself in the Word…
Jesus proves that He is Alive Jesus COMMANDS his disciples to WAIT. The Holy Spirit empowers & equips us to be more EFFECTIVE witnesses of Jesus Christ Don’t just stand…
The T___________ of worship is directed toward God, the Father (TARGET) The REASON for our worship: SALVATION for us and others The R___________ for true worshipers God is seeking, is…
Individuals who believe they are not trusted by others, struggle to interact or communicate with others, and also wrestle with doing kind, generous, and selfless acts toward others simply out…
My Notes (observations, insights, thoughts, questions, etc.) There is a “Familiarity” to the voice of God that exists in a believer. When you are in “the market” for God/Jesus/the Holy…
My Notes (observations, insights, thoughts, questions, etc.) Jesus & His disciples were S________________ (Separated) Jesus miraculously & unexpectantly comes to His disciples The disciples see Jesus, & though they know…

The True Vine

March 31, 2024

30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone…
My “Need to Know” about Not-So-Ordinary Encounters God C________________ His desire for us in His timing (Communicates) Listen for God and be P_____________ to take action (Prepared) Keep doing what…
Shekinah Glory:  A visible manifestation of God on earth, whose presence is portrayed through a natural occurrence. The word shekinah is from the Hebrew word shākan, which means “dwelling”, “one who dwells,…