From Hope to Anticipation
July 28, 2024

From Hope to Anticipation

Passage: Genesis 12:1-5, Isaiah 43:18-19
Service Type:

Understanding OUR Background

To leave the familiar & move to a new, unfamiliar place shown by God can create feelings of:

  • Uncertainty
  • Anxiety
  • Excitement

God's Promises and Expectations were to Abram and thus to God’s People

  • God’s people always began with an obedient Person!

Three Things God Promised God Will Do for His people

  • "I will make you into a great nation."
  • "I will bless you."
  • "I will make your name great."

One Thing God Expects from His people:

  • "You will be a blessing."

Result: "All peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Anticipation is not waiting

but preparing ourselves and living in a way

that reflects our expectation of God's promises

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