Sylvania first

Open. Invitational. Disciple makers.

We exist to be facilitators of change in our community

Join us this Sunday in person at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall or 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.            Or, for your convenience, join us online for the             11:00 a.m. service.



Latest News

Methodist Men’s Annual Bar-B-Q Tickets

Methodist Men’s Annual Bar-B-Q Tickets

We're less than ONE week away from the Bar-B-Q Let us cook dinner for you and your family next Wednesday night! All you'll need to prepare is a pitcher of sweet tea! We'll provide everything else, including dessert. All you have have to do is: Get your tickets Set a...

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Request for Cakes 🎂

Request for Cakes 🎂

We're still gladly accepting donations towards the cake fund.  Please consider donating $25 towards the purchase of Pineland Bakery cake slices.

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Sock & Undie Sundays

Sock & Undie Sundays

**Make sure to get your contributions in if you plan to make a donation. We'll be collecting through the end of March** The Sylvania Methodist Women are collecting new socks and underwear, all sizes for both boys and girls, to provide to our locals schools for...

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Jesus is fully divine yet he chose to live fully human Jesus did not skip the hard parts of being human. He embraced them Jesus is divine enough to save…